Domain Data Lookup
IP Access Control is enabled
Remaining searches: 2 of 5 per hour
Available Services
- WHOIS Check: Check nealy all TLDs WHOIS, including registrar information, creation date, expiration date, and registrant details
- DNS Check: Check retrieve DNS records including A, MX, TXT, CNAME records, helping you verify domain configurations
- Availability Check: Check if a .com domain name is available for registration or already taken
How to Use
- Enter your domain name (e.g., in the search box
- Select the type of check you want to perform from the dropdown menu
- Click the "SEARCH" button to get results
Usage Limits
- Free users are limited to 5 searches per hour per IP address
- Whitelisted IPs have unlimited access to all services
- Limits reset automatically every hour
- All searches are logged for security purposes
- Results are provided as-is and updated in real-time
- Some WHOIS information may be redacted due to privacy protection
- DNS propagation may affect the accuracy of DNS lookup results
- Contact us for unlimited access and daily data updates